Real estate advisor

- Buying and selling old and new properties -

Property is an important and essential component of any estate.

Dauthuille Conseil Patrimoine is not just another estate agency. It gives priority to quality with atypical heritage properties and offers you support in French and German.

When you choose Dauthuille Conseil Patrimoine, you benefit from comprehensive, personalised support for your property transactions. My experience in property investment and asset management, and my portfolio of quality clients and prospects, mean that I have all the resources (offers and requests) I need to make atypical property sales a reality.

Why use my services?

As a real estate professional, I undertake to respect and apply, in particular, the code of ethics for real estate agents (in accordance with decree no. 2015-1090 of 28 August 2015), including professional ethics, compliance with laws and regulations, competence, organisation and management of the agency, transparency, confidentiality, defence of interests, conflict of interest, confraternity, dispute resolution and discipline.


I offer you wealth management advice and solutions tailored to your issues, your projects and your needs, in a personalised and confidential environment.

I guarantee objectivity and professional independence.

Dauthuille Conseil Patrimoine has selected solid, high-quality partners.

Here are a few examples


As this is not a commercial website, the information on the property advertisements is very limited and does not contain all the necessary information. Please contact DAUTHUILLE CONSEIL PATRIMOINE (D.C.P.) directly.

You will find the fee schedule attached:

Scale of fees