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Strategy advice

and investment strategy


Your wealth management agency

- Asset management is a matter of trust -

That's why Dauthuille Conseil Patrimoine (D.C.P.), represented by Hervé Dauthuille, attaches particular value to a personalised and reliable partnership in all matters relating to your assets.

To achieve this, I believe it is essential to be a professional partner (holder of the DESS Ingénierie du Patrimoine diploma, Master's grade), who develops and implements a fully personalised global approach, in line with your asset requirements.

This partnership must respect professional secrecy and the protection of your personal data.

I have 19 years' professional experience.

The skills


Wealth management


Financial investments


Real estate

Wealth management

-  Wealth management ? -

Dauthuille Conseil Patrimoine advises and supports you in managing and optimising your assets through 3 areas of activity: asset management advice, financial investments and real estate (buying and selling old and new properties, tax exemption, credit support).

The 5 main values I am committed to are: sincerity, listening, human relations, trust and responsiveness.

My area of operation

To meet all your requirements, I work mainly within a 200 km radius of Perpignan, and particularly in :


To find out more

- Don't hesitate to contact me -

D.C.P. (DAUTHUILLE CONSEIL PATRIMOINE) is a limited liability company with capital of 2,000 euros, registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Perpignan under number 847 519 535.

Its registered office is located at 27 rue des embruns in Perpignan (66000).

D.C.P., via its representative and manager Hervé DAUTHUILLE, a wealth management advisor, carries out the activities of insurance broker, financial investment advisor (CIF) and is registered with the unique register of insurance, banking and finance intermediaries (ORIAS) under the registration number 19001536 (www.orias.fr).

D.C.P. is a member of the professional associations ANACOFI-COURTAGE and ANACOFI-CIF.

The supervisory authorities responsible for its activities can be consulted on their respective websites: acpr.banque-france.fr and www.amf-france.org.

The competent consumer mediator for insurance and CIF activities is: ANM CONSO, 62 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 PARIS / contact@anm-mediation.com

If it is a question of overall monitoring of assets (excluding investments for which DAUTHUILLE CONSEIL PATRIMOINE is the intermediary) on a regular basis, then either the number of hours of work will be calculated and invoiced at 150 euros per hour inclusive of tax, or a basis of 0.80% inclusive of tax will be calculated on the financial assets to be monitored, which will make it possible to determine an overall annual fee in both cases.
In the case of investments for which DAUTHUILLE CONSEIL PATRIMOINE is the intermediary, the remuneration will be based, for the investment contract concerned, on the payment charges, the management charges for the contract and/or the management companies, and the arbitration charges.

D.C.P. agency, through its representative Hervé Dauthuille, holds the professional real estate agent's card n° 66012019000039361 issued by the Perpignan Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 11/02/2022, in particular in respect of its regulated activity as a real estate agent for property and business transactions.

As a professional estate agent for transactions, D.C.P. is a member of a professional association with ANACOFI-IMMO.

This activity is regulated by professional rules, in particular the Loi Hoguet.

The competent consumer mediator for this activity of estate agent in transaction is: ANM CONSO, 62 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 PARIS / contact@anm-mediation.com

For the activity of estate agent in transaction, the remuneration is defined by the attached scale:

As a controlled and regulated professional, I have professional indemnity insurance and financial guarantees with the insurer MMA IARD under contract no. 114240090.

Its intra-Community VAT number is FR 49 847519535.


27 Rue des Embruns, 66 000 Perpignan

Please do not hesitate to contact me

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